The Challenge Results

The Challenge Results
The Challenge Results

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 23-Polio & Peanut Butter

            Ok I need to start with a confession I am not a fan of vaccines. I should explain further. My son had to go to the doctor today to get his second round of immunity shots. Now I am all for the vaccines that stopped Polio from spreading around the nation but let us be honest why are we still giving it to kids today. Since 1979 there have only been 162 recorded cases in this country 8 of which were contracted outside of the nation and the other 154 you ask, well they were caused by the vaccine itself. Now if it was up to me he would not have these shots but there is new policy doctors have across this country and that is if you refuse to get the shots they can refuse to treat you. How lovely of our free country. Now I have a hard enough time holding my tongue at these appointments but when it came to the Hep-B vaccine I had enough. Why are we vaccinating for something you can only get by sleeping around, doing drugs, or becoming some kind of medic. Would not teaching morals be a lot easier and if they choice to work in a field of higher risk they can get the shot them. I mean our parents did not get this shot and most of my generation did not either, so neither will my son. Now for those who would ask but if they had a vaccine for AID’s would you get it? NO! Why take a risk of the vaccines for something you can avoid on your own.
            I know that had nothing to do with anything but I needed to vent and heck it is my blog. Remember I do not see to many people each day. But I was able to finish my two workouts including a new one from P90X, Core Synergistics. This was not my favorite workout, the moves felt uncomfortable and you have to have weights for some of them, which I do not have. I felt pretty good about my day and was planning on having a treat of peanut butter and chocolate but forgot and brushed my teeth. I have a hard time eating after I brush my teeth but as I sit here now I want my spoon of peanut butter and chocolate chips. After all I have been working a lot and could use something sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erick,
    I respect your decision about vaccines for Ben. You might want to check with the doc about the need to isolate him from kids who have had the live polio vaccine. Things may have changed in the last 15 years, but when my brother chose to not give his daughter the polio vaccine, she was not allowed to be with other kids or people who had the live vaccine for a period of time, due to the potential of them spreading it to her. Just want your little man to be safe.
