The Challenge Results

The Challenge Results
The Challenge Results

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 14-Oh Deer!

            Two weeks down and a lot still to go. Today was my day of rest and of course I kept busy doing other things besides resting. I was surprised at the end of it I kept under my calorie count. Now I spent the weekend out of town and had to drive all the way home tonight for the weekly weigh in. Usually the drive is nice, pretty countryside, nice curves, and no traffic. But today was different. The curves were still there during my three-hour commute but it was dark and fall is approaching. So it comes the time of year when the deer come out of the woods and onto the streets, not to eat but on suicide missions so they do not have to deal with the winter cold like the rest of the animals. I am willing to bet in places with warmer climates there are less deer suicides.
            Now as we drove we passed a handful of deer on the side of the road who were successful in their mission and even passed a car who had stopped to help his victim off the road. I have driven through the country my whole life and was being safe but of course these dear have grown smart over the years and have learned if they run together in a line you cannot avoid them. And this is exactly what they did. A few deer crossed in front of my car at the same time building a wall in which I could not evade. A deer was struck but to its surprise it ran away unharmed. What it did not except was the fact that my car weighs about as much as a bag of chips and I just got new brakes. So everyone makes it away ok and the deer will have to live another day and I make it home in time for my weigh in.
            Now the moment you have been waiting for today’s weight results. After putting fresh batteries in the scale and getting in my birthday suit as usual the scale read 202 flat. This is 3.5 pounds less than a week ago. A better result than week one but I would have been happier if it was closer to two. It is hard to maintain weight lost of two pounds a week and I need to try and keep it closer to two pounds this week but regardless I am happy to see.

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