The Challenge Results

The Challenge Results
The Challenge Results

Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 26-Priorities

            I love Fridays always have always will. This is not because it is the portal to the weekend or because it signals the end of a the weekdays. My reasons are much instilled in me than that. When I was growing up Friday was the only day I did not have to do homework or help with dinner and could watch tv. At least for the first decade every Friday we would either get pizza or my mom would cook while my brother and I watched as much tv as possible and fought over the remote. This got so serious one time I bit him to get the remote back that he stole from me.
Now to this day I have kept one of these traditions no homework on Fridays. This is one of the smartest things I have ever done. By knowing that Friday I will not have to do any homework it is a nice break from, well, everything. Today was no different when it came to homework but I was not planning in waking up at five in the morning because my son wanted to play. This was actually a lot more fun then I though it would be but it led me to be very tired. So when my son decided to take an hour and a half nap I joined him and missed my first workout. But fear not I did both P90X Core Synergistics and Insanity’s pure cario back to back. These are probably my least favorite workouts and wore me out so much I skipped out on cardio abs. I probably could have done it but I have to think now that at the end of the workout I need to have enough energy to take care of my son. He gets priority.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 25-Cutting Options

            Today was my first time trying P90X’s StretchX and I had mixed feelings. On one hand it was a great stretch and I am sure it did some good but on the other hand it was an hour long. Is that necessary? I do not think so; I could have gotten the same stretch in half the time. I also just finished Insanity’s cardio recovery.
            I feel I should update you on my banana ice cream from last night. Though just as delicious the next day it is solid and very difficult to scoop out. I am also in need of a name, I keep calling it ice cream but there is no cream. If any ideas jump out at you let me know.
            I feel it is time for a small town story and today’s was all about the hair. My wife decided this week she was going to have her hair cut and then decided yesterday to tell me. Now she has not had her haircut since we moved up to nowhere and a problem has arisen. She wanted to get her hair cut today and stopped by the local shop where she discovered they could not take her till Wednesday. Now in a big town this is no problem you would just swing over to the next shop and if she really wanted to she could drive two towns over and get one. But that is not an option here because the town is so small that the hairdressers daughter is in my wife’s class and if she got her hair cut somewhere else now the town would know about it. Now I am not saying this is a bad thing that she has to wait until Wednesday, I just find it odd that the social dynamic of the town could affect our schedule.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 24-Dairy free delicous

            Focusing seems to be a problem for me lately and I have a feeling my son has something to do with it. I had planned to get on my workouts early today and get some things done around the house but instead I could hardly think when I woke up. My son decided to have what I would consider his first teething tantrum last night from about 1:30 to 4:00. He has never cried without a reason and I must assume this was no different and since I tried all the usual stuff he must have been in pain. Sadly there is not a lot you can do for a teething child beside orogel and love. I do not mind taking care of Ben in fact I love being there for him but it is hard to get things done on such a random sleep schedule.
            There were some positives today though. I finished both kenpo and plyo today, made my homemade chicken noodle soup, and finally made something I have been wanting to do for a long time: banana ice-cream. Now you might have heard about this one ingredient ice-cream thing going around, it is as simple as freeze banana slices, blend then refreeze. I have never seen it done but it is awesome and I even added my homemade peanut butter and some melted chocolate chips. This is the greatest snack. It takes care of all the cravings, sweet, salty, and chocolate. I made sure to make enough to freeze the rest over night; I want to see how it does when it is really hard. Now why not just have ice-cream, two reasons mainly: calories and my wife has gone no dairy. You would be amazed at how much having or not having dairy in your diet effects things. If you have never tried it give it a week it might just catch on and after all some frozen bananas can take care of your taste buds.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 23-Polio & Peanut Butter

            Ok I need to start with a confession I am not a fan of vaccines. I should explain further. My son had to go to the doctor today to get his second round of immunity shots. Now I am all for the vaccines that stopped Polio from spreading around the nation but let us be honest why are we still giving it to kids today. Since 1979 there have only been 162 recorded cases in this country 8 of which were contracted outside of the nation and the other 154 you ask, well they were caused by the vaccine itself. Now if it was up to me he would not have these shots but there is new policy doctors have across this country and that is if you refuse to get the shots they can refuse to treat you. How lovely of our free country. Now I have a hard enough time holding my tongue at these appointments but when it came to the Hep-B vaccine I had enough. Why are we vaccinating for something you can only get by sleeping around, doing drugs, or becoming some kind of medic. Would not teaching morals be a lot easier and if they choice to work in a field of higher risk they can get the shot them. I mean our parents did not get this shot and most of my generation did not either, so neither will my son. Now for those who would ask but if they had a vaccine for AID’s would you get it? NO! Why take a risk of the vaccines for something you can avoid on your own.
            I know that had nothing to do with anything but I needed to vent and heck it is my blog. Remember I do not see to many people each day. But I was able to finish my two workouts including a new one from P90X, Core Synergistics. This was not my favorite workout, the moves felt uncomfortable and you have to have weights for some of them, which I do not have. I felt pretty good about my day and was planning on having a treat of peanut butter and chocolate but forgot and brushed my teeth. I have a hard time eating after I brush my teeth but as I sit here now I want my spoon of peanut butter and chocolate chips. After all I have been working a lot and could use something sweet.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 22-Monday is cheating I swear

            I am now convinced that Mondays have fewer hours than any other day of the week. Today seemed normal but by the time I was done eating dinner it was after eight, what happened to the time. I put dinner on at three, no joke. This meant that my workouts started very late and even now I have cardio abs and yogaX to do. I just finished pure cardio. Eating did go well today besides the late dinner. It is amazing what simple thing as having the right ingredients can effect how well I eat. I was able to make an awesome strawberry mango smoothie today just using frozen mangos and strawberries. I threw in some ice and agave nectar to sweeten the deal and water as the liquid. I do not like using fruit juice because it masks the flavors and just adds calories though I do also like using tea but forgot to make a batch.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 21-6 days forward 1 day back

             It is officially week 3 over and out and next is recovery week for P90X, which will be funny because it is not recovery week for Insanity. This is not my concern of the moment though. Even though I do not post my weight every day I do get on the scale and at the end of the week I went under 200, only by .2 but still. Now I was very excited to go on today and announce this news assuming it was still true when I got on the scale this evening. I was not so lucky. It was my off day and I made a fun error of going out for breakfast and ordering. I learned some new foods my body does not react to well and as a result I weighed in at 202.2. This is not exactly what I expected but I am willing to bet that when I weight in tomorrow night it will be a different story.
            This got me thinking about a concept I have heard talked about for years and has gotten more popular recently, eating for your blood type. I have done reading and it sounds like a neat idea but I am not sure if it is for me or how one goes about it. I am going to do more research but as for now today was shopping day and my fridge is full of fantastic new food which will help me get through this week.

Day 20-A day late and half a workout short

            Well I made it to day 20 before my timing issues forced a workout into the next day. I managed to finish Kenpo before Sunday but Insanity’s plyo went into Sunday and at about the 13-minute mark I was done. It is late and I had just done back to back workouts after a pretty busy day. I haven not even had a chance to count my calories though I am sure I am under even with my chocolate chip cookie for desert. Something I have not had much of in the last twenty days.
            So my day was planned out well this morning before I woke up late sending everything into a tail spin leading to my late night. And all would have worked out well but somewhere in our travels my wife and I realized that instead of just searching on craigslist for cars, we are in the market, we should go sit in some and see what they are really like. This seemed like a good idea and we even had grandpa watch Ben after the football game. So after the game we headed to some local lots and I learned two things. One looking at cars takes a lot of time and two cars cost a lot of money.
            You see when my wife got the car we have now we were all about small, great gas mileage and it must be manual. Now that we have a son and a rally circuit like driveway things have changed and we are now looking at big things with lots of room, a/c, airbags, and 4wd. All these things sounded simple to me seeing as they are the majority of the cars on the road and yet their price tags are twice as big. TWICE! How do people afford these cars? I went to a private Christian University for a year before transferring and these cars cost more than 1 years tuition, which might not sound bad but the tuition cost 34,000 American dollars. I must be dreaming. I can not honestly believe that people pay more for their basic car a month than I do on rent. I would understand that on a Lambo but not a f-150.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 19-A sluggish feeling

            Cutting close today with my post, not sure if I was going to make it. The reason; football. Again another game on another Friday night forcing me to workout into the night. Today I did not feel 100 percent, I was not sick or anything I think it was just the late nights with Ben catching up. I was able to finish my workouts but took it easier than I would have liked to. I am hoping the weekend will give the rest I need to “Bring it” next week. I would love to tell you all about my day and the way Ben decided to take a five minute nap with me at home and two hour one when mom got home, but I have to work out before leaving for another football game in the morning.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 18-Lost for words

            Today’s first workout was Insanity’s cardio recovery followed by P90X’s Yoga X.  These are both tough workouts but it was a nice break from cardio. I am not going to lie I am tired, not just physically but mentally. I do not mind getting online at the end of every day and writing what happened that day, I am just running out of things happening. As you know I stay at home with my son, do school work, and work on the house. Oh and I workout. So finding something interesting to write is getting difficult. I am desperate for ideas and I have 72 days left. What am I going to do?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 17- Supplemental Strategy

            Supplements, there is a topic I haven’t touched yet. A lot of people think the only way to get fit is to take supplements. We are talking protein, creatine, nitric Oxide, amino acids, thermogenics, the list goes on and on. Now supplements are not all bad, I take my vitamins and have been known to use whey protein. I also know that most of these things are naturally found in the human body hence the word supplement. But come on, is it really necessary to take all this stuff? I know if you are an athlete it can be the only way to reach maximum potential without eating 40 pounds of food a day but as an average want o get fit guy, do I really need to buy into all this?
            So far I have only taken my vitamins even though at the end of every video Beach Body is trying to sell me another product to help me maximize my workout. These products would probably do just that but I am not doing this to see how fast my body can get fit but instead I simply want to see what my body can do by itself in the 90 days. After the 90 days I will probably step back and look at the issue again and who knows I might go the other way but for now my Kirkland multivitamin will do just fine.
            Today’s workouts included arms and shoulders from P90X and both Pure cardio and Cardio Abs from Insanity. Not the easiest day in the week but I completed it and kept under the calorie count. Another successful day.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 16-Produce Problem

            Again my son thought it would be fun if we stayed up most of the night and hung out. Meaning this morning I was to tired to think let alone do my two Plyo workouts. This meant I napped with my son instead and that led to having to do one right before dinner and one right after, of course with a shower in between and after. The workouts made it easy to keep under the calorie limit and I have a feeling I am going to drop below 200 pounds this week.
            Now as you know I live far away from civilization and one of the hurdles I have been dealing with is produce. The options are limited here (no organic) and very expensive. This has caused us to buy frozen. Now I could argue the positives of frozen produce and I do enjoy the shelf life, but there are many times where fresh is needed and out of reach. A friend told me about a company called Bountiful Baskets. This company offers fresh produce weekly at very cheep prices. Only one little issue, the closest drop site is two and a half hours away. Not cool. This means I found a solution but it is just out of reach.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 15-The mighty COLD

            My son Ben is less than a week away from four months and has his first cold. This is not helping either of us get any sleep. Last night the whole family stayed up with Ben who did not act upset about his coughing or the fountain coming out of his nose but just wanted to be held and walked around the house. I am sure things could be worse but it still was not fun staying up all night with a sick baby.
            Then this morning after some major cleaning I remembered I still had a challenge to face and I started with Insanity today. I changed it up because today is the Insanity fit test. This video claims not to be a workout but instead a progress report. These are lies it is tough, not as tough as the actual workouts but tough enough to make the calorie counter. I also completed ab ripper x and chest and back. I am happy to report I must be getting somewhat stronger because I was able to do much more in the fit test and I did not feel like death was at the door when doing my pushups. Hopefully at this pace when wrestling season rolls around I will be able to keep up with the team.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 14-Oh Deer!

            Two weeks down and a lot still to go. Today was my day of rest and of course I kept busy doing other things besides resting. I was surprised at the end of it I kept under my calorie count. Now I spent the weekend out of town and had to drive all the way home tonight for the weekly weigh in. Usually the drive is nice, pretty countryside, nice curves, and no traffic. But today was different. The curves were still there during my three-hour commute but it was dark and fall is approaching. So it comes the time of year when the deer come out of the woods and onto the streets, not to eat but on suicide missions so they do not have to deal with the winter cold like the rest of the animals. I am willing to bet in places with warmer climates there are less deer suicides.
            Now as we drove we passed a handful of deer on the side of the road who were successful in their mission and even passed a car who had stopped to help his victim off the road. I have driven through the country my whole life and was being safe but of course these dear have grown smart over the years and have learned if they run together in a line you cannot avoid them. And this is exactly what they did. A few deer crossed in front of my car at the same time building a wall in which I could not evade. A deer was struck but to its surprise it ran away unharmed. What it did not except was the fact that my car weighs about as much as a bag of chips and I just got new brakes. So everyone makes it away ok and the deer will have to live another day and I make it home in time for my weigh in.
            Now the moment you have been waiting for today’s weight results. After putting fresh batteries in the scale and getting in my birthday suit as usual the scale read 202 flat. This is 3.5 pounds less than a week ago. A better result than week one but I would have been happier if it was closer to two. It is hard to maintain weight lost of two pounds a week and I need to try and keep it closer to two pounds this week but regardless I am happy to see.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 13-One beat at a time

            As you may remember I forgot my ab ripper x dvd at home and was unable to do that workout yesterday. Well apparently Shaun T, the instructor for Insanity, heard about it and today on the schedule was not only Pure cardio but Cardio Abs. there are no sit-ups or crunches here just totally insane moves you don’t even realize are working your abs until you fall over in exhaustion. I also had Kenpo this morning to start my day, which was a much nicer way to start the day than having Insanity end it. I was again able to stay under my calorie limit.
I do have some exciting news though, or at least I think so. My grandmother gave me and my wife her Gazzel elliptical trainer. You know the one from the infomercial in the 90’s where the guy had the long tight ponytail and bulging muscle. Well anyway, its and elliptical and it is free. I know what you are thinking again. Why would you want that when you have these awesome workouts you are already doing. First my wife has a bad knee and elliptical trainers are one of the few workouts her doctor recommends and second. I like variety. It is nice to know that if one day when my challenge is up and I don’t have an hour to do p90x or insanity I can just on a Gazzel and ride it out for twenty minutes to get that heart rate up.
Speaking of heart rate, I cannot seem to get my resting heart rate. Now before I had Ben my resting heart rate was somewhere between 60 and 65 beats per minute BPM and I would check it like you are supposed to first thing when you wake up and are totally relaxed. Well the problem is now I never wake up totally relaxed. I either wake up to a baby screaming or my wife screaming cause I cannot hear the baby. This causes me the problem of find out if my resting heart rate is changing. I am sure in about 18 years or so I will get a full nights sleep again and find out what it is. For now I am just glad it is beating.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 12-How many hours in a day

            Another long day after my long night. I have a football game to watch again this weekend so I spent a lot of the day on the road. This meant an early workout followed by a late one. I finished legs and back before I left and then cardio power and resistance when we arrived. I had planned to do ab ripper x after we had arrived but I had forgotten the disk at home. I have never been so glad to forget a something. But I finished and with calories to spare.
            I also have updated my team beach body account that I opened almost 4 years ago and never used. It is actually a pretty well designed site and if you don’t but anything it is free. Being in the middle of nowhere it was nice to read other peoples stories and realize your not the only one who cannot do that yoga move. I am now trying to keep that up to date as well and as cool as it is it is just one more thing I get to do in 24 hours.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 11-Long day Longer night

            I’d like to begin by saying that though today felt extra long I did feel slightly productive. I completed my Insanity cardio recover and P90X’s yogaX. I also mowed the lawn, cooked dinner, did some stuff around the house and even worked on some more papers. But when the evening came I noticed a problem. Though my wife and I are struggling to find a few hours of sleep at night do to our sons teething situation she has grown tired. Now I may be able to live on only a few hours of sleep a night and if I need more I nap with my son during the day as I had to do once this week. Apparently high school teachers do not have nap times. I think this is ridiculous because napping is one of the only things I remember doing in high school.
            My wife then gets her little sleep at night and that is it and if she were like me she would live with it and be fine but she is not. My wife is an eight-hour a night person, minimum. During her pregnancy it was closer to twelve. Well here we are up all night and she is falling asleep on me shortly after dinner. So tonight I made a sacrifice.
            Ben and I are having a slumber party in the living room. Well the original idea was to have him and I sleep in the living room but somehow he found out and decided to wake up. He is with me now staring at the letters move across the screen. I think he wants me to type faster. Anyway so tonight I will take sole care of Ben much like the day but this will give my wife a chance to get the sleep she needs to function so we can have an enjoyable weekend. As for the boys in the living room, we will have to see if Ben decides to let Dad sleep at all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 10-Zzzz

            So tired….worked out to late. I nearly forgot to write today, I just got out of the shower sat at the computer and stared at it like it had said something bad about my mother and I did not quite get it. I then realized and am still not sure what to write so today is going to be short so I can sleep a little. I did both P90X’s arms and shoulders and Insanity’s Plyo. I also stayed underneath my calorie limit. On a happy note though I did get some school work done online this evening but on the downside it was the reason I did not start until such an awful hour. Feeling sleepy…can not go on….

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 9-Sleep deprivation

            Now I do understand the importance of sleep. Especially while doing something crazy like burning almost 1500 calories a day. But there are some issues at hand. I have not been a great sleeper for a long time. I did many years of sleeping two to four hours a night then 24 hours on a day when it all came back to bite me. I am sure my film projects that kept me up for days and my eating habits during wrestling season have all led to my current problems. The average person falls asleep in seven minutes and they say if it takes longer than 15 you most likely suffer from some kind of insomnia. I can’t remember the last time I lied in bed for less than an hour before drifting off.
            Now some of you are seeing a problem. I do eventually fall asleep and stay there now until I have had enough. Good habits my wife has taught me. So what is that problem some of you already figured out. Yes, that would be Ben. Ben is now three months old and we were just told he is teething. This means that the sleeping patterns we worked so hard on for the first three months are gone. He now wakes up randomly and without reason and this is not good for what little sleep I was getting. You must understand I can live fine on two or three hours of sleep but only if I wake up on my own which I now never want to get that little sleep again.
            If I could take back all the nights of walking aimlessly around, stumbling, and catching up on the latest movies for some sleep, believe me I would. Today when I usually do my P90X as Ben sleeps I slept too and as good as that felt it meant I did both workouts (Plyo and Pure Cardio) in the evening. This felt a lot less good. I was able to stay under my calorie count again and even made chili from scratch (soked the bean and ground the meat) for dinner, which was filling for the calories. My wife is now counting calories using her iPhone as well and that helps keep me in check. Tomorrow I work shoulders and arms on P90X and do cardio circuit on Insanity.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 8-Time managment

            The delicate balance that is life is catching up. Now even though I am a stay at home dad who lives on the outskirts of Nowheresville and stay at home 5 days a week, I am never bored.  Besides raising my son and taking care of the house, I also have online classes and then there is this challenge.
            Today I felt things creeping up on me. The dishes getting one load behind, the laundry beginning to invade my workout area, and my school inbox filling up with unread messages. I will be the first to admit my time management skills are not so great. I am a professional procrastinator. This works well with one or two tasks but I am falling short at juggling the plates I am holding now.
            I was able to finish both of my workouts today and felt surprisingly stronger when doing P90X chest and back. I was able to a lot more pushups than last time even though I have a lot more room for improvement. I also felt more like a beached orca than a full sized whale while doing Ab Ripper X. My day was ended with Cardio Power and Resistance and I was still trying to slow my heart down even when I got out of the shower. This is what is great about Insanity, it never gets easier so it is always working. If you are always working at your maximum you keep improving and the workouts stay hard.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 7-Thou shall rest

            What a wonderful idea rest is. I am happy to report I did not do a workout today and less happy to report because I was unable to subtract calories I went over my calorie budget. Not by enough that I am freaking out but still it means I need to be more careful.
            It is also weigh in day, a day I am sure some of you are interesting in hearing about. Well let me warn you then now. My body is not one of those drop a bunch or any weight real quick. And this challenge is not about weight loss just about fitness. That being said I weighed in at 205.6 today meaning a loss of about a half a pound.
            While most people would think oh my only loosing a half a pound after all that work is ridiculous I am not about to freak out for three reasons:
1.     I know if I have and need to gain heavy muscle
2.     I know I need muscle to help burn the pudge
3.     I know that my body doesn’t react normally to exercise after I did the anorexic wrestler thing in high school
For now I will continue tweaking my diet as needed and working harder each day and the results will come later. I don’t believe in instant gratification.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 6-Its been one week…

            Two out of three of you are just thought since you looked at me and are now humming a BNL song while the last third is very confused. Anyway I have finished my first week and I am glad to be done with it. I am even more glad I survived. I was able to keep my calorie count under again but today was not easy.
            Today after an early morning of Kenpo, which is the easiest P90X workout for me, we had a day of traveling. 170 miles of road to cover and two football games to watch live before a birthday party where we watched yet another game on the TV. This posed a problem; I would no longer be in control of exactly what I was eating. We were going to eat out and then go to a party and I had no idea what they were serving.
            Now lets all pause and remember something over the left there is an about me thing I wrote before I ever started this challenge and on it is says something important. I LOVE FOOD. I do and that will not change even if it means I have to work a little harder I am going to eat that mango sorbet because it is 100 degrees out and I have to sit in it for 5 hours watching football.
            That being said I came close to my calorie count and I didn’t even have a piece of chocolate birthday cake which I know regret because I love chocolate and now I need to keep history from repeating it self because it is going to be a long football season, after all its only week one.
            I guess I could through in here that I was able to finish Insanity after the party and now need to sleep so I have the physical strength to drive home tomorrow.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 5-Finding time to be Insane

            P90X’s Legs and Back started my workouts today and was painful for my first time. My legs have never been the strongest, just strong enough to hold up my body. So asking my quads to do one legged wall sits was a stretch. But I completed the workout without falling down to many times.
            Now today was the first home game for the local high school and it being a small town guess who is the announcer? You guessed it, me, and I try not complain because each game I have a saved seat of my own out of the crowd and no one can interrupt me during the game. Oh and they pay me. But it did pose a problem today.
            I had not done Insanity before we had to leave and the two teams thought it would be fun to only throw the ball meaning the clock stopped a lot. Even after we fell behind to far the refs ran the clock non stop the game still lasted two and a half hours. This meant I got home around 10 at night and had to start and finish Insanity’s Pure Cardio. Pure cardio is as ridiculous as it sounds, it is an Insanity base moved but no breaks, NONE. I was able to finish and was even able to stay under my calorie count. Only one more day and I will have survived a week. Assuming I wake up in the morning.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 4- Back bending

            Today got a little backwards, I did the Insanity cardio recovery before P90X YogaX. Cardio recovery was the easiest insanity workout I have done so far but that doesn’t mean it was easy. It was really nice to have a break from the insanity of Insanity.
            Now YogaX is one of the most hated P90X workouts and all for different reasons. Most people hate it because it is extremely difficult. This doesn’t bother me, I like a challenge and am always looking for improvement. I hate YogaX because it is an hour and a half long. I finished the yoga and felt a lot better getting my muscles stretched out. My entire body has been sore all week and I have looked like a zombie when I walk around the house in the morning. I think Yoga helped loosen me up but I guess we will see in the morning. Another day under the calorie count but I got really hungry in the afternoon. I need to find a filling snack. Suggestions?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 3- Beached Whale

            Today started with P90X’s shoulders and arms workout and ended with Insanity’s cardio power and resistance. Now I love both of these workouts normally but my body was not up for some of the moves today. I finished probably 80 percent of both workouts, which isn’t bad for my first week. There was a minor issue though, Ab ripper X.
            I have never been one to brag about my core mostly because there is nothing to brag about. It is weak and today proved it. I laid on my back got ready for the first move, which are leg in and outs, and couldn’t lift my legs. We are talking physically unable to lift them off the ground with my core. I thought I might just be tired from P90X so I waited several hours and tried again and I felt and probably looked like a beached whale in my living room, helpless and not moving.
            I am continuing on regardless and going to keep attempting each workout and doing my best, even if I fall a lot short. I did manage to keep my calorie count under today but I am working on trying different foods to see if I can produce more energy for my workouts.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 2-Plyo Squared

            Today I made a discovery, the second day of P90X is plyometrics or jump training and the second day of Insanity is also plyometrics. This is not a good thing. Plyo is the toughest cardio workout in the P90X program and one of the toughest in the insanity.
            Now I did finish both workouts but I must be honest my jumping skill are close to non-existent making today a serious challenge. I started with P90X in the morning as I plan to do for the remainder of the challenge but my son had different plans. Ben is three months old and decided to have my hour long workout take over two. Insanity was done in the evening when I could peel my self off the ground and my wife had hopes of joining me even with her bad knee but my son decided she needed to spend some time with him instead.
            It may only be day two but I know without the support of my family and friends I would not have even attempted the second set of plyo today. So thank you all I will do my best to keep it up.

Side note: I forgot to tell you the start weight of this bloke was 206 pounds. I will be weighing myself once a week to track the changes. I was also again under my calorie limit.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 1-Back to Back

            Who’s idea was this? Dang it was mine so I can only blame myself for the pain I am in. Today is Labor day and we are always traveling home from a weekend away on Labor day and today was no different. Because we were out of town until 7pm I had the challenge to finish the first workout of both Insanity and P90X.
            I started with Insanity and my wife decided to join me, which was a pleasant surprise. The first workout is a fitness test of different exercises and you have to see how many you can do in a minute. This is the easiest of the workouts and my wife and I were holding each other up afterword. But sadly while she got to shower and get ready for bed I had to start Chest and Back, the first P90X workout. Now doing these workouts without a break is not a great idea but to make it better I forgot the P90X workouts have Ab ripperX every other day and today was the day.
            Not something I was ready for mentally or physically. I would love to write all the details but I have lost the will to lift my fingers. Tomorrow I will be spreading the workouts out a lot. I should point out as a side note that I was able to keep under my calorie count.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

P90X 2

            I got an email from Beachbody today that I am having mixed feelings about. They have announced the release of P90X 2. Now on one hand I am excited and love the idea of another hill to conquer, but I am not made of money here people. I can’t just shell out a couple hundred bucks every time BeachBody comes out with something new. Regardless I am sticking to the original for the challenge and we will see where this upgraded version goes.
            There is less than a week left before the challenge starts and time is going to be an issue especially on day one. If you have a calendar you know that Monday is Labor Day and due to my small town location I will be driving home that day from a Labor Day weekend with the family. This means I will have to squeeze in my first workouts between a lengthy drive. This weekend is my last days of freedom from schedules and cramming in crazy workouts for three months. So I will be spending it away from technology and near a lake. I hope all of you enjoy your Labor Day.