Today is what I am calling the review and I plan to do just that. First of today was the final weigh in for the challenge and the number came out to 184 even. This brings my total loss to 22 pounds and I am pretty happy with that number. Now for those who may think I pushed extra hard to get better numbers in the last few days lets review. I have not worked out since Wednesday, I had to eat at a gas station yesterday on the weigh home, and if that is not enough I went to McDonalds today. I did manage to go low carb at the McDs and it was an experience but at least I know it is an option.
Now for those wondering what I thought of the programs here is the gist. Insanity is just that insane, and unless you are already pretty athletic it might be too much. It also has some problems with the lack of warm-up and stretching but this is nothing someone with experience could not add on. I might go back to it one day when I have the last few stubborn pounds to torch.
As for P90X it is crazy and difficult but on the positive side it not only has degrees of difficulty but each move can be adjusted depending on your level. This makes it a pretty great routine but when people try to keep up with them on their first round they usually get burned out before they get results. But if you are smart about it and do not want to go to the gym or get any crazy equipment this program can work for anyone.
What about me and my results? I lost 22 pounds and feel pretty good. I have changed my diet a few times through this process but landed on a low carb diet. I am going to try this out for a month before I come up with anything conclusive but so far it is going great. And for those visual learners here is what a 206 pound Erick looks like.
This is me today and with my new look my wife and I gave the house a new look and turned it into a Christmas special. Thanks for sticking with me the last 90 its been fun.
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